Gender Mainstreaming: Linking the G20 and G7 agenda for concrete action

Canada’s government commitment to gender equality has a long history, but became a top priority after the 2015 general election. With continued leadership from the top, articulated for example in G7 and international trade debates, the efforts to mainstream gender have been extensive. These efforts are also increasingly relevant for the G20, given the commitment made by the Argentine Presidency to mainstreaming gender across the G20 agenda and processes.

It is in this context that the T20 Gender Economic Equity (GEE) task force has been invited to host a Panel Event in Ottawa as a part of IDRC’s Gender Speaker Series. The panel will introduce the T20 and the GEE task force and present the task force’s key recommendations for G20 leaders, particularly those related to labour inclusion, unpaid care work and the “25 by 25” commitment. The panel will then discuss and propose questions to the audience regarding the role and opportunities for Canada, in alignment with its Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP), to ensure this agenda is front and centre in G7 and ongoing efforts.

– Margo Thomas (Chatham House)
– Gala Diaz Langou (CIPPEC)
– Cynthia Drakeman (DoubleXEconomy)

Following the event, the Task force Co-Chairs will be holding meetings with Canada’s Employment Working Group representatives, the Sherpa Team and Gender Ministry representatives.