“Challenges for the convergence of the digital economy” forum

T20 Argentina associated event

The “Challenges for the convergence of the digital economy” forum is a T20 Argentina associated event organized by the Young Federal Council of International Studies of Salta (CoFEI) and the institutions that make up the organization. It includes the accession of governmental institutions, civil society associations, professional advisors and educational institutions.

The event is for technical teams, academics, national, provincial and municipal officials, intermediary organizations involved in the topic, teachers, students of all levels and the general public. It aims to be a dialogue space on the fundamental aspects of the digital economy and the challenges of the near future. The objective is to produce a document that contains the main contributions of the topic towards the meetings which will take place under the G20 in our country.

The forum will have seminars and academic exchanges that will be conducted with the relevant institutions to promote an environment for reflection for experts, academics, technical teams and those interested in contributing to the dialogue on the challenges that the digital economy presents. The event hopes to contribute to the debate on current and relevant social, political and economical topics at the provincial level and of Argentina’s external relations.


1) Challenges for the digital economy. A vision from the periphery. Moderator Luciano Acedo Salim (MA)

This panel will work on the topic of the digital economy in Latin America compared with emerging economies. Public and institutional policies of the digital economy. Proposals of international cooperation and development of the digital economy.

2) Technology, infrastructure and security for the digital economy. Moderator: Engineer Sergio Appendino

This panel will look at the analysis of contributions on the basis of the key points of the second main idea: Infrastructure of telecommunications and networks. ICT industries (software, hardware and ICT services). Business and electronice commerce (E-business and E-commerce).

3) Finance and networks for the digital economy. Moderator: Luis Maury, National University of Salta.

A presentation will be given here on proposals focused on the third main point of the forum, the situation of blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and cryptoassets. Analysis in the light of the economy and finances.

4) Inclusion and public policies for governance in the digital economy. Moderator: Pedro Buttazzoni

This panel will focus on the topic of the fourth main point, emphasising on economic and social activity network facilitated by the network. Cloud computing and mobile, social and remote sensor networks.