Experts discussed international economics and finance at the T20 Summit

The tenth anniversary of the Lehman Brothers crisis was the focus of the plenary session on this topic at the Think 20’s event in Buenos Aires. Watch the video.

On 17 and 18 September, over a 1000 people from 68 countries came together in the CKK in Buenos Aires to take part in the Think 20’s (T20) final event. One of the topics was the present and future of international economics and finance.

The participants were José Antonio Ocampo (Colombian Central Bank), Homi Kharas (Brookings Institution), Paola Subacchi (Chatham House) and Haihong Gao (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). The moderator for this session was José Siaba Serrate (CARI) who outlined that the focus of the conversation would be on what has been learnt 10 years after the Lehman Brothers’ crisis and if the world would react the same way now.

Download the T20 Argentina’s policy briefs on international economics and finance here.