It took place on july 12 and provided a space for global experts to hear about the work of the Task Force.
The T20 Gender Economic Task Force (GEE) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) held an expert meeting in London to disseminate the work of the GEE Task Force, providing a space for global experts to hear about the work of the Task Force and discuss concrete strategies to engage and influence policymakers for the implementation of the Task Force’s recommendations.
The event took place the day after Chatham’s House International Policy Forum on Gender Inclusive Growth, and it built on the Forum’s discussions regarding G20 developments and challenges ahead to strengthen the GEE Task Force’s future advocacy plans.
Margo Thomas, Task Force Co-Chair, did an overview of the Task Force including objectives and key recommendations. Ms Thomas highlighted the ways in which the Task Force works with other engagement and governmental groups within the G20. Following the overview, Task Force members Abigail Hunt (ODI), Judith Mariscal (CIDE) and Helen Walbey (Welsh Government Panel for Women’s Enterprise) presented the seven Policy Briefs drafted by the Task Force. The discussion was comprised of disruptive ideas on how to bring the T20 GEE policy briefs to life, and how to create a positive impact for women in G20 countries and beyond.